A heartwarming yet controversial incident unfolded in Arizona when Marine veteran John Harkness and his wife Lynn were asked to leave a Walmart while collecting donations for Toys for Tots. John, in his Marine uniform, had done this for years without issue. This time, a Walmart employee cited concerns that his uniform might “intimidate” customers and claimed solicitation was against store policy,
A bystander recorded the exchange, and the video went viral, sparking outrage. Many criticized Walmart for disrespecting a veteran, with some calling for a boycott. Walmart clarified its policy but eventually issued a formal apology, donating $50,000 to Toys for Tots and pledging to prevent similar incidents.The controversy brought overwhelming community support. Local businesses offered fundraising spaces, and donations to Toys for Tots hit record highs. John was honored by a Marine Corps Reserve unit, which praised his dedication. Despite the incident, John and Lynn remain focused on their mission, turning the backlash into a rallying cry for giving.