High cholesterol, often called a ‘silent killer,’ can lead to severe health issues like heart disease and stroke without clear symptoms. It results from a buildup of cholesterol in the arteries, often due to poor diet, smoking, excessive alcohol, and obesity.Dr. Hilary Jones highlights the importance of monitoring heart health, as high cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular problems,
Recent discussions suggest that Fordyce spots—small, painless bumps on the lips—might be linked to high cholesterol, although more research is needed. If you notice these bumps, consult a healthcare professional rather than squeezing them, as doing so may cause infection.The only definitive way to check cholesterol levels is through a blood test. If elevated, doctors may recommend lifestyle changes or medications like statins. Key steps to manage cholesterol include eating a heart-healthy diet, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, exercising, and managing stress. Be aware of other symptoms, such as leg heaviness during exercise, and seek medical advice if needed.