A research reveals your body knows when death is near, and it all starts in the nose

Despite years of research, some aspects of the human body remain a mystery. One fascinating discovery is that humans may be able to sense when death is near. Research suggests that when someone dies, the body releases putrescine, a foul odor caused by decomposition. Humans may subconsciously recognize this scent, triggering an immediate response to move away similar to how,

animals react to danger, Researchers Arnaud Wisman and Ilan Shira found that exposure to putrescine causes a natural avoidance reaction, just like how animals flee from threats. While we often aren’t aware of how scents affect us, they can influence our emotions and behavior. For instance, sexual pheromones elicit attraction, while putrescine signals danger. However, humans don’t consciously link the odor to death or fear. Share this article with friends and family!

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