My husband saw our newborn & threw my things out on the street

Sadly, what was supposed to be the most precious moment of her life turned into a bitter and a rather challenging experience because of the skin of her newborn daughter’s color. It turned out that the baby was darker than anyone assumed, given the fact that both her mom and dad were quite white. When the woman’s husband realized this, he was extremely angry. Without even talking to her,

he was quick to share on his social media and inform everyone he knew that his wife was cheating on him. The woman couldn’t believe what was happening. She attempted to assure him that the baby was his but she failed. This led him to threw her belongings out of the house, and that included everything they bought for their bundle of joy’s nursery. “Jim refused to pick me up from the hospital, threw my stuff out on the lawn, and changed the locks, so I had to stay with my parents,” she recalled in her post on Reddit

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